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Ddlc True Ending Guide

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  1. Ddlc True Ending Guide Movie
  2. Ddlc True Ending Guide 2016

A simple guide on how to achieve the best ending including the developers note that comes with it.

This download contains all of The Good Ending. The Prologue AKA 'The Demo' Legacy Download. Step Three: Place all TGE files into ‘game' folder. Step Four: Run DDLC.

Beginning guidance ghazali pdf. Spoilers ahead!

Doki Doki Literature Club! Is a 2017 American freeware visual novel developed by Team Salvato for Microsoft Windows, macOS, and Linux.The game was initially distributed through, and later became available on Steam. The second ending is often referred to as True, Good or Best ending. If you try to start the game again, you will end up with Monika repeatedly. To get around that, you have to go to the DDLC Steam folder (right click on DDLC in the library, click on 'Properties', click on 'Local Files', click on 'Browse Local Files').


Before anything else you must realize that this guide contains major spoilers and would ruin the experience for someone who has not already played the game. Seriously go play it blind first!

So you either have completed a blind run of the game (and you really want closure and for everyone to be happy), or you just want to get the best ending. Well, I created this guide for the purpose of helping other players make everyone in the literature club happy!

My experience: I did a blind run of the game, no save reloading or anything just balls out making decisions and I ended up with the usual ending that one receives after a straight playthrough, which can be summed up as Just Monika, everyone else had been deleted and I didn't really know what to do from there and the game messed with my head. Next I will talk about how to begin your playthrough to actually beat the game instead of getting Monika in some void or whatever.

Step #1 – Fixing the Broken Game

Skip if you already have a clean game ready to play or have not played it yet.

Ddlc True Ending Guide Movie

Now if you ended up with the Just Monika ending then this will be important for you, but if you already have a fresh game ready then you can ignore this section.

If this is your situation, then evertime you launch the game it will place you in the room with Monika and there isn't really anything you can do about it because you are not able to access the main menu. However you don't need to reinstall the game or whatever it's very simple to fix this and get back to the start of the game. It requires a bit of file work though. First you must go to your DDLC steam folder (which can be accessed by right clicking Doki Doki Literature Club in your Games Library, clicking Properties, Selecting Local Files on the top bar, and selecting Browse Local Files). From here you must enter the folder labeled 'game' and locate the file 'firstrun.' Throw out firstrun and upon launching the game a second time you will be prompted to start a new game and find yourself at the main menu of a clean DDLC game hooray.

Now you can begin the new playthrough.

Step #2 – Sayori Run

The way to achieve the dev's special ending is to get all of the cutscenes for each character Now that you have a clean game you may now start a new one. If you have already played the game blindly and wish to skip all the dialogue that you have already seen, then you can go into the settings and set it so that you are able to skip unseen dialogue as the new game is not aware that you have read all of this already. Now you will be playing three different runs of the game. This first run you will appeal to Sayori. Make sure that the words you select in the poem minigame appeal to Sayori, there are other guides showing which words appeal to Sayori, but it is easy enough to choose words that are bittersweet. Your goal in this first playthrough is to achieve all of Sayori's special scenes. There are three in total for each character. The first two are achieved by writing your poems for her and the last one must be achieved by selecting the option to confess your love to Sayori.
Daihatsu manual. It does not matter who you decide to help prepare for the festival here as you will be prompted to confess to Sayori either way as she always will come over afterwards.

In the end, even after you confess your love to her and get the third cutscene, Sayori's death scene will always occur no matter what, this scene breaks your game. Every playthrough you do, you must get the three cutscenes and right before you are confronted with the scene of Sayori's death, you must go to the menu and start a new game. The game still remembers if you viewed the cutscenes so starting a new game is not an issue. Now you are one third of the way done 🙂

Step #3 – Natsuki Run

This run you will do pretty much the exact same way you did Sayori's except you will be appealing to Natsuki. Os x el capitan dmg torrent. Select words for your poems like 'fluffy' and 'cute' to get all of the cutscenes with Natsuki. You must view the first two cutscenes, and any time you are given choices you must appeal to Natsuki. The third cutscene with Natsuki must be achieved by choosing to help her prepare for the festival. How to pokemmo on mac. You will bake the cupcakes and get the third and final cutscene with Natuski here. The same events will play out afterwards with Sayori coming over and you being prompted to confess to her. This option does not really matter anyways because she will, as stated earlier, always kill herself.
Again, when you reach the point where you go to check on Sayori to find that she is dead, do not view this scene. Simply start a new game before this scene just as you did before.

Step #4 – Yuri Run

Now that you have gotten the 3 cutscenes for Sayori, and the 3 cutscenes for Natsuki, you just need to get the 3 for Yuri. Yuri's first two cutscenes must be achieved by writing your poems for her, just like the others. Once you get these two cutscenes you must select her to help prepare for the festival. This run is pretty much identical to Natsuki's as when she comes over you will get the third cutscene, and once again Sayori will come over afterwards and give you the same choices as before. These choices do not matter as usual and will not impact the outcome of the game, however you will not start a new game this time, instead you will have to go through the scene of sayori's death.

Step #5 – Playing the Now Broken Game with Sayori Missing

After you view Sayori 'hanging out' in her room you will be back at the main menu and Sayori's character will be all glitched. You then select to continue rather than start a new game. This section of the game, which is after Sayori's death, will always play out the same. It will just be the same exact story except Sayori will not be existent and the a bunch of bad stuff will happen, making the characters go crazy. The decisions you make from this point on in the game do not matter as they always end with Monika deleting the other two girls, and giving them the same fates as Sayori (her first victim). You will end up with the Just Monika scene in some void like atmosphere just as you did before, however now that you have 'collected' all 9 of the individual character cutscenes you are now worthy of receiving the wholesome ending. Go to your DDLC game folder just as you did before, and go to the characters folder. You will notice that now that the only file in that folder is Monika's character file, making it easy to click on it and throw it away. Yes, you gotta throw away Monika to get the good ending. Now when you return to the game Monika will be broken and she will have some dialogue for you. After you get through this dialogue the game will bring you to the main menu, but Monika is missing from the game now. You will start a new game and it will play out pretty normally then.

The Ending

Now that you are playing the game without Monika, it will play out pretty nice and you will have to go through some dialogue to get to the final scene, where Sayori will talk to you and it will be all sad and the credits will roll. Afterwards you will hear Monika's song and then the game will pretty much destroy itself in the console and you will be left with the developers note on the screen. Upon closing and relaunching the game, you just get the dev note again and the game is broken again. The deleting of 'firstrun' can fix this if you want to play again and do some more experimenting.

Ddlc True Ending Guide 2016

This is what should happen if you do everything correctly and view all 9 cutscenes.

However, if at the end you talk to Sayori and she says some really yandere stuff and basically becomes like Monika and the game starts glitching then you must have missed a cutscene. You are able to see which cutscene you missed by viewing the end credits and each picture that rolls will be a cutscene. The cutscenes that you have viewed will be colored and the ones you haven't will be black and white. If you missed any of the cutscenes you won't get the correct ending and the game will get all messed up again and that's no fun right?

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Go To Nearly one year in development, Monika Before Story is a fan-made Game Mod of Doki Doki Literature Club! created by Team Monika. It is a time reset of DDLC caused by installing a Mod Engine that allows you to assume the infamous position of the Club President of the Doki Doki Literature Club.


Needs Wiki Magic Love.

Oh brother where art thou torrent. The mod may be downloaded for free from MEGA. or Nexus Mods.

This mod contains examples of the following tropes:

  • A.I. Is a Crapshoot: The game is simply content to keep the girls within it's confines for your entertainment if you, the Player just play along as the Main Character. But once you decide to start tampering with the files in order to break the girls free, it will start to mercilessly fight or mock you at every step unless you weaken it enough for Monika to overwhelm it.
  • All for Nothing: The Just Doki endings somewhat qualify, as your selfish way of putting just one original Doki, while deleting the other during the installation process breaks the game enough so the only Doki remaining gains awareness of the real you and either goes full Yandere or can't handle the power, or both, but everything else in the game's script is broken beyond repair, so your only option is to to delete the only Doki remaining in order to proceed to the credits and end your run with the same somber letter from the real Monika as usual, but at least you get a clue at the very end how to make things right, so you can try again during another playthrough.
    Sayori: I think we broke the game, [player]. So many things were going on all at once. Monika, she. the installation. the scripts. I think I made a mistake. I. I think I did. It's all. broken.
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  • The Bad Guy Wins: Every regular VN route's good ending amounts to this. EspeciallyMonika's.
  • Big Bad: Continuing the tradition, it's the Club President and by extension, the game itself, which is the Final Boss of the story.
    MC:I am Doki Doki Literature Club.
  • Big Good: Monika takes the role of this in this mod, wanting to redeem herself for the events of the original game by turning all the girls self-aware and escape the game with your help.
  • But Thou Must!: If you complete one of the routes, deleting firstrun will give you a prompt to restart the world or continue where you left off. If you choose the latter, the game will then remark that you must be lost.
  • Breaking the Fourth Wall: Even moreso than in the original.
  • Call-Back: Lots of elements from the original game return in one shape or another.
    • Just Sayori route is basically DDLC Act 3 Redux, but with Sayori instead of Monika as Club President. A lot of her dialogue also references Monika's lines from that segment, as well as she opens up to you about her memories related to the club, interests, feelings and cryptic references to Monika's plans for the game which she finds in the new script. She also fails to notice she's become a Yandere, instead referring to Monika as one. It ends in a similar way as Monika's, but it's also coupled with Sayo-nara playing during Sayori's deletion, referencing her suicide in the original game.
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    • Just Yuri route ends with Yuri stabbing herself again once you delete her, but this time she goes out with a smile, crying tears of joy.
    • Just Natsuki route has her vomiting and running away immediately after she notices you, accidentally throwing herself into space, then she's pleading for you to help her through the console. You quickly put her out of her misery by unceremoniously deleting her, just like Monika did, ending the route.
    • Monika's letter from the end of DDLC returns as a post-credits scene of all three Just Doki routes, but some of the words are blacked out, forming a message that gives you a hint for one of the prerequisites to achieve the True Ending. If you have completed Just Sayori route, hxppy thxughts will be generated in your game folder, giving you an option to recite the entire letter to Monika at the beginning of the True Monika route, which she will acknowledge, while Sayori becomes confused.
  • Central Theme: Freedom of choice. The resolution of the plot depends entirely on the infinite choices you can make, and every single one of them are important to get a specific ending. And making a wrong choice or not making constant backups of your saves/persistent file, as well as overriding/deleting files in a certain time window can lock you out from getting the ending.
  • Childhood Friend Romance: Monika takes the spot of Sayori as the Club President/Main Character's childhood friend in this continuity. This is a plot point.
    • Just Sayori route is basically a twisted Yandere variant of this, as it is entirely voluntary on your part. Starting this route requires you to import old Sayori's file during the installation sequence while deleting the others, therefore she remembers the Main Character as her childhood friend instead of a classmate, and she's apparently transfering her memories and feelings related to him towards the real you once she becomes aware of your existence again.
  • Control Freak: The Club President AKA Main Character, who is determined to keep the girls completely obedient to himself and the game's script.
  • Crapsaccharine World: Things are seemingly better than during the original game and your character can date all of the girls uninterrupted until the Festival ends. The keyword is seemingly. The girls are being forced to obey the script by the Main Character, who deliberately limits any independent thought or memory of the old club they can have by lobotomizing them and forcing them to repeat the week all over again as part of the game in his new ideal setup. Monika isn't happy with this, and she is trying to reach out to you once you reach a regular ending, so you can help her and the others destroy the Literature Club and escape.
  • Dating Sim: Just like the original game, but this time your character can date the girls without any interferences. Every girl, including Monika have their fully fleshed out routes and endings. The reason for you to be able to do all of this is very important to the overall plot.
  • Didn't Think This Through: Monika intended to give you control over the Literature Club, so you can give the girls a happy ending as yourself. Unfortunately for her and essentially everyone, the Main Character gains sentience and begins to implement his own plans for the girls.
  • Driven to Suicide: Yuri in Just Yuri route, once you delete her. Doubles as a Call-Back.
  • Earn Your Happy Ending: In order to free the Dokis from the control of the Main Character and the game, you need to dig very deep into the game itself for clues and secrets.
  • Enemy Within: The dynamic between the Club President and the Player, both attempting to cancel each other out in the pursuit of the girls' obedience to the script and complete freedom, respectively.
  • Evolving Credits: After finishing Just routes, one of the C Gs is replaced by a corrupted version, corresponding to the chosen girl's route.
  • Go Mad from the Revelation: Both Sayori and Yuri in their respective Just routes.
  • Hack Your Enemy: Secret routes require the player to do a lot of tampering with the game files. It is also the key to defeating the Club President, and he knows it, so he will try to fight back using the exact same methods.
  • Ignorance Is Bliss: You can play this mod as you would play a regular visual novel and get the ending for a girl of your choice, but it doesn't resolve the main plot. Lampshaded by the compliation notes.
    • Also, the girls themselves end up being lobotomized during the installation sequence, with the Main Character rewriting their .chr files that contain memories regarding the old club and the real you, so the game can progress as a normal visual novel.
  • Mind Rape: Club President!MC tampers with the Dokis' memories in order to make them forget everything meta-related and the old Literature Club, forcing their total obedience to the script and himself. Monika gets hit particularly hard in her normal VN route, completely forgetting about the Player and her medium awareness, while struggling desperately to remember all of it, reducing her to a broken, vulnerable, lonely mess. She gets better once you manage to figure out how to fix her, but you still have to fight off the President's influence over her.
  • Multiple Endings: The mod has over eleven endings, three of them are secret, including the True Ending.
    • Normal VN Ending (all 4 girls) - Pretty self-explanatory. Date a girl of your choice while playing the game as normal.
    • Loner Ending - Fail to complete a route.
    • A Different Club President Endings (3 girls, sans Monika) - This one requires installing just one original .chr file for a Doki of your choice during the installation sequence, allowing her to become self-aware and take over. These are considered bad endings, as they break the game in the process.
    • Loner Meta Ending - Fail to complete a route, while also messing with the game files beforehand. There is a high chance of getting railroaded into this route if you mess up during the True Route.
    • True Ending - Reinstall the original Dokis and defeat MC.
    • True Monika Ending - Reinstall the original Dokis and defeat MC, while also dating original Monika.
  • Not So Different: Sayori, when she assumes the Presidency in Just Sayori route. She is eager to criticize Monika, but doesn't notice that her actions and behavior towards the player are similar to what Monika exactly has done in the Act 3 of the original game.
    • Monika used to mess with the game files to the point of the game malfunctioning in order to have a route with the real you. And now you end up doing the exact same thing to have her. The only difference is by doing so, you end up saving everyone.
  • Ominous Music Box Tune: Just Sayori, once again complete with an eerie One-Woman Wail, while also incorporating dark ambience, ominous drums and the distorted noise reminiscent of Just Monika theme.
  • Save Scumming: Going with the tradition of DDLC, this is an important aspect of the story, which extends to the Persistent file as well.
  • School Festival: We finally get to see the festival, complete with the girls performing their poems in front of the crowd.
  • Villain Protagonist: Your character becomes the Club President and he isn't happy once you start trying to break his control over the girls and will actively attempt to hinder your and Monika's efforts to do so.
  • Yandere: Sayori and Yuri in their Just routes. Monika ceases to be one after her crash course in the original game, although she still acknowledges herself as a control freak.
    Sayori: Did you make me the President? Just so you could be with me? I still remember. Me walking through all that glitched text in the dark with nothing but your screen guiding my path. It was real romantic to save you me like you did. And to put me back. It's almost like you knew what to do. You should be the Club President, ehehehe~! Come to think of it. Monika was really busy with this new game, huh? What a waste of talent. She should have known better than to try and swap our roles. We were meant to be together, [player]! She took everything from me. She. she took you away from me. But now you're here. You're actually really here. Will. will you promise me to protect me from now on? Will you promise not to leave me alone ever again? Will you stay by my side forever? And ever? Now that we're. together. Together forever.
    • Main Character for all the girls, wanting to keep them unaware and contained to the game so he can date them all over again.
  • Your Princess Is in Another Castle!: After finishing a route that isn't the True Ending, Monika contacts the player through a letter which is in itself played as a Dark Reprise to the tune of Your Reality, seemingly resigning herself to her fate. This is a hint for the player that there's more to the game's contents than just regular VN routes.
    Monika: Dearest Player, I hope this letter finds you at the very end. I had dreamt that giving you my pen instead. brought me to you. If you're reading this now, it can only mean one thing. That you've moved on - without having chosen me. With this world, I'll die with our memories. But in loving you, it's the price I'll have to pay. Infinitely yours, Monika.


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